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Casey County Discount Foods is a locally owned, family operated market located in rural Casey County, Kentucky.   The original deep discount, scratch and dent, salvage food store was established in 2011 to meet the needs of the surrounding rural farm community.  Both owners and employees have roots in the area and are deeply invested in the mission to serve folks the highest quality merchandise at the lowest possible prices.  


In response to an increase in population with decreased resources, the store was relocated and reopened just down the street in 2016.  CCDF has grown in proportion to our neighbors and their needs. They continue to offer deep discounted, high quality groceries and dry goods, including but not limited to, Health and Beauty, Homemaking and Housewares, Tools and Tackle, Toys, Books, Electronics and More. They are excited to introduce the Nature Nook, specifically stocked with a full line of vitamins, supplements, homeopathic preparations, essential oils and gluten free foods.  Launching our website is more about customer convenience than marketing. The owners and managers continually search and scour the globe for the best deals to pass along to their customers. They do not often know the treasure they will discover from one day to the next and many of their regulars report that that is the reason they keep coming back.  They also appreciate that not everyone has the means or the luxury of daily discount excursions, for you we are dedicated to making shopping more expedient.

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